Thursday, January 12, 2012

1 Week Post Op CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!

                So it’s been a week since I was sliced and diced!  I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by.  I’ve been saying all along that being on all of these drugs does weird things to my mind and makes time go by really fast. 
                                                  (I made it outside for a little bit today!)

                The drugs I’m on are having some weird side effects.  Some of the side effects are common ones like causing drowsiness and constipation, but some are really weird and annoying.  My eyes can’t focus on anything so everything is blurry, and sometimes I have double vision.  My mouth gets so dry at night that my tongue has a crack in it.  My brain moves so slowly that sometimes it takes like literally a minute to answer a question or just say a sentence.  Oh and I have awesome crazy dreams and sometimes I swear I’m hallucinating. 

                I decided to take a couple internet classes this semester and they started this week.  It took like an hour to read each syllabus haha.  One class doesn’t require me to follow a timeline so I can start on that class once my mind works again.  The other class has assignments due tomorrow…yikes…


  1. It's good to get to read about all your progress, it was a busy week at work and the computer was the last thing I wanted to see when I got home. I had to laugh at your comment about a swollen thigh and half your back side. I bet you feel lop sided when you sit! You are pretty funny Andrew. But seriously, I know that constant swelling is not comfortable so I hope it is gone soon. You are doing an amazing job! I hope you are settling into your home routine. Dang as good as you are doing, Tat will have you washing dishes before long. You both take care!

  2. Wow, 2 classes! You are a glutton for punishment. Just kidding, you'll do great! Hope every day is a little better as you recover! Hang in there!
